• Nasir Malekijoo is the dramaturge and playwright of the most of his theater works. He has been obsessed with the topic of Avant-garde and Post-dramatic Theater and has been worked on these areas continuously from 2007 up to now.  He has published in Iranian magazines a number of articles in Persian, the most currents are “Breaking the Rules of Theater”, “I’ll take the Aspirin While the Audience is not well” and, “Theater is Fragile”.

    He as a journalist also, worked with the Cinema Magazine from 2006 to 2008 and so many interviews are published with lots of Iranian dramaturges, directors and actors throughout this nearly 2 years of weekly practice. Besides, he is the author of three children books published from 2005 to 2006.


    • The Madness, Estrangement, and Horror of a Performer Walking on the Street, Silently! /Master Thesis Bauhaus University Weimar 2018
    • Breaking the Rules of Theater / Qashqai Center of Performance Studies 2016
    • I’ll take the Acetaminophen Codeine While the Audience is not well! / 14th Theater Studies Monthly Magazine of University Theaters Forum 2014
    • Theater is Fragile / Molavi Center of Theater Publication 2011


    Remedy (Fiction – Shabaviz Publication 2005-)/ Broom (Fiction – Noor Publication 2005)/ Grape Tree (Fiction – Shabaviz Publication 2006)