an Upcoming Work /
A Brief Description
Two stunning girls live in a cozy little house as roomies. One day, one of them invites a guy
over for a drink, in the absence of her friend. The story begins when the boy’s head accidentally
collides with a sharp object and all of a sudden he dies. The story goes on with the return of the
other girl and how these two gorgeous girls confront this predicament. Although, their efforts
to conceal the boy’s dead body in order to escape the calamity takes on a comic connotation,
we see hidden layers of inconclusive clashes between the main two characters that lead to a
sense of absurdism and inevitability as the story progresses. In the end, they decide to invite a
guest insinuating that the invited guy has murdered the boy.
The Executive Concept
The two girls live in an all-pink dollhouse in Barbie doll costumes. This fictitious appearance,
which has been thoroughly elaborated in a luxurious manner, contrasts with the bitter reality
of their life. It is supposed that they aren’t deserved to taste misfortune, yet dark misery makes
a way into their life through the burden of this corpse.